When I was about 10 years old, my Godfather Pierre came over to our home one day and told my brother and I a wonderful story about goblins, chimneys, and a really, really long goblin name. We were thrilled by the story and spent time to practice how to pronounce that really, really long name until we had it fully memorized.
Over the years as time moved on, I never forgot Pierre’s fable. At age 34 the story returned to my mind one day and I decided it was time to write it down and share it with others. And yes, after all those years, I still remembered how to say that long name.
Dr. Pierre Taschereau is a true storyteller with a playful and charming imagination. In his youth Pierre worked and helped as a Boys Camp leader in Shelbourne, Nova Scotia – taking the boys on hiking expeditions, educating them on the flora and fauna, and telling them fireside stories, such as this one.
His tales have been impressed upon the minds of many children and I feel privileged to have the honor of writing the story and publishing it for all future children to enjoy.
Happy reading,
Charlene Comeau (aka: Charly)
P.S. If you would like to write to Pierre or myself, we would love to hear from you. Please send an email to info@nullcharlyart.ca .