It gives great pleasure to be able to share this unique story with you, and hope you will share it with family, friends and most of all your children.
Story Description:
Two curious green goblins travel deep into the forest and find a land with frightening creatures called dragons. Soon they discover the dragons are not quite as scary as they imagined and so the real adventure begins.
Take a voyage with our green friends in the 2nd book of the Adventures of Bobbin and Hobbin series.
Written by the inner child of Charlene Comeau. Illustrated by Anne-Marie Sonneveld.
Charlene began writing at an early age and penned over 100 short stories by the age of ten. Since then, she had many executive positions in the work-a-day world until finally letting her inner child burst out again with her first published book: The Great Bobbin and Hobbin.
This book can be purchased on,, Kindle, or you can obtain a signed copy directly from the author by sending an email request to . For more information please go to or
The story was read to a class of 9-10 year olds who then took the time to each write to me and give their feedback. So these are re-written with the same spelling as the originals. I wrote a letter back to them as many wondered about who was Bobbin and who was Hobbin. My response is written at the end.
Dear Charlene,
You wrote a wonderfull and halarious story. I liked the ending, when all the red goblens melted. By the way, I have a request. Could you please keep on writing more stories about Bobbin and Hobbin. Wich one is bobbin and which one is hobbin?
T (Age 8)
Dear Charlene,
Your book was the best book I ever read. My favorite part is when all the red goblins melted and the two green goblins were ok. I wish you can make more book.
A (Age 9)
Dear Charlene,
I love your book it is the best book in the world. It is the best thing I have ever herd in my live. And my favorite part was the red goblins melting.
P (Age 9)
Dear Charlene,
I really liked your book because now I have a story to tell my friends baby brother. The story was very soothing and it makes me feel good.
Dear Charlene,
I really liked your story, it is perfect for Halloween!!! My favorite part was when everyone was around the campsite. I hope you make more books I would read everyone!!! How did you remember that big long name? I really like how it’s a story from your childhood and how you remembered it all. I love to read and write, someday I want to be an aruthur [author] just like you!!!
S (Age 9)
Dear Charlene,
Thankyou for sharing that book with (us)! I really love your illustrations and words you chose. Your illustrations look so nice and neat. I want to be a writer too because I love sharing my thoughts. In grade 3 I wrote a book with my freind called “ANGEL”! Your book hooked my classmates please share some again!
LM (Age 9)
Dear Charlene,
Hello, how are you? I’m fine. I loved your book!
In my opinion I think you are a very creative writer! I have a couple of questions for you, what is your favorite colour? Whos bobbin and whos hobbin?
L (Age 9)
Dear Charlene,
Your book is awesome!! I relly liked the red goblins and the relly, relly, relly, relly, relly, relly long name.
Dear Charlene,
I liked the part when Bobbin and Hobbin ran into the king red goblin because I found it funny that his name probably has all the letters in the alphabet. I also liked when all the red goblins melted.
Are you going to write more adventures about Bobbin and Hobbin? I hope you do! I love your book!
MM (Age 9)
Hi Charlene!
I love your book, The Great Bobin and Hobbin. But I have a question, who’s Bobin and who’s Hobbin? I think the short goblin is Hobbin and the tall one Bobin. I don’t have a favorite part because I love the whole book! The goblins are cute! I hope to get to read more of your books.
P (Age 9)
Hi Charlene,
Your book was awesome! I really like how you used goblin instead of people. It was really creative. I like how you did the title. The great Bobin and Hobin. The readerers at the end figure out why they are great! It was really good. You should make more books! Bye!
M (Age 9)
Response to letters:
Hi Paulette,
I wanted to thank the kids for all their wonderful letters and comments on the Bobbin and Hobbin story. I was very touched by their interest, and glad to see they enjoyed the story.
I read all their letters and wanted to answer a couple of questions: 1) Which one is Bobbin and which one is Hobbin? When I wrote the story, I thought of Bobbin as the main character and he is slightly taller than Hobbin, his best friend. 2) Do you have more stories about Bobbin and Hobbin? Yes, there are more stories about Bobbin and Hobbin that have not been published yet, but are ready to go. 3) Stephanie’s question: How did you remember that big long name? I practiced saying it with my brother when I was 10 years old, until we new how to say it by heart. 4) Lillian’s question: What is your favorite colour? Answer: Purple.
I was also very impressed to see that many of you are artists and want to become writers and illustrators. That is great! The most important thing I can tell you is to start now and have fun. Just start writing and drawing as much as you can so you can learn and grow from practice. I wish you lots of success!
All the best,
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